1. Inauguration of a new amphitheater at ASE
    On December 12, 2022, following modernization works, ASE and ING Bank Romania inaugurated the 3Ms Amphitheatre in the "Paul Bran" Building on Moxa Street. The investment amounted to 60000 euros and now the amphitheater has state-of-the-art technology. The project was jointly undertaken with ASE's Foundation. The inauguration event was attended by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Dorel Mihai Paraschiv, Vice-rector, Mihaela Bitu, CEO ING Bank Romania, as well as other representatives of ING and ASE involved in the project. Photo gallery...
  2. ASE - among the winners of the ROSE Project
    On December 9-10, 2022, the ROSETHON event was organized as part of the Romanian Secondary Education Project (ROSE) Among the participants, 6 students represented ASE: Alexandra Constantin, Cristina Banu, Denisa Naftanaila, Daniela Sincu, Victor Chitiga and Madalina Moncea. IN mixed teams, with other participants, ASE's students elaborated academic development projects, in keeping with the needs of students, academic staff members and representatives of the business environment, and with the current trends in innovation and technology. The team that won the 1st prize comprised Madalina Moncea, Doctoral student at ASE' Doctoral School in Management. Congratulations! Photo gallery...
  3. Exchange of experience between ASE - EDC Paris students
    During the first week of December 2022, Master's students from ASE (program in "International Logistics") and EDC Paris Business School met for teaching activities at ASE's educational hub in Covasna, and for professional exchange visits to companies from the counties of Brasov, Covasna, Ploiesti. The French students' visit was facilitated by the project entitled "Resilient and sustainable Supply Chains - an Eastern European Perspective", which aims at extending participants' knowledge and competences in logistics. Photo gallery...
  4. ASE received the "Educatia" Award at the Gaudeamus International Book Fair
    On December 7-11, 2022, the 29th edition of the Gaudeamus International Book Fair was organized by Radio Romania in Bucharest. ASE's Publishing House organized a series of book launch events and it was conferred the "Educatia" Award for the professionalism and permanent involvement in the organization of cultural events. Congratulations to ASE's Publishing House, authors, organizers and participants in this successful event! Vivat Academia! Photo gallery...
  5. ASE's Gala of Excellence, 6th edition
    On December 8, 2022, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the 6th edition of ASE's Gala of Excellence. On this occasion, awards were granted for the scientific and professional achievements of the members of the academic community (academic and administrative staff members and students). Event poster... Photo gallery...
  6. ROMGAZ Amphitheater at ASE, investment for excellence in education
    On December 7, 2022, the ROMGAZ Amphitheater in ASE was inaugurated - Amphitheater 2103 from the "Virgil Madgearu" Building - renovated and modernized on the basis of the 300000 RON investment made by ROMGAZ, following the initiative of the Association of Students in Economics, Business and Communication (ASEAC) - ASE's Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics. The newly inaugurated Amphitheater is to host teaching activities, lectures, debates, in a friendly environment, with state-of-the-art architecture, equipment. Photo gallery...
  7. Romanian Academy's Award for the Statistical Monograph of ASE!
    On December 7, 2022, the Romanian Academy conferred the "Petre S. Aurelian" Award for the book entitled "Monografie statistica a Academiei de Studii Economice Bucuresti. 100 de promotii de absolventi" [Statistical Monograph of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. 100 Classes of Alumni"] (vol. I-II) by: Nicolae Istudor (coordinator), Emilia Gogu, Alexandru Isaic-Maniu, Dumitru Miron and Ion Vorovenci, published in 2020 by ASE's Publishing House. The event was part of the Conferral Ceremony hosted by the Aula of the Romanian Academy. Congratulations to the winners of this prestigious award! Photo...
  8. ASE participates in the Gaudeamus International Book Fair
    On December 7-11, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies participates in the 29th edition of the Gaudeamus International Book Fair, organized at the Romexpo Exhibition Center in Bucharest (Pavilion B2) by Radio Romania. On this occasion, ASE's Publishing House organizes several book launch events for some of its most recent publications.
  9. ASE's management team's biannual meeting with students
    On December 8, 2022, starting 12:00h, ASE's Aula Magna hosts ASE's management team's biannual meeting with students. Participants are invited to exchange information on issues arising in the academic life of students, with a view to finding adequate solutions.
  10. Enlargement of ASE's Campus in Romana Square
    ASE announces the completion of the procurement process for the "Sabba Stefanescu House", a building erected in 1903 according to the blueprints designed by architect Oscar Maugsch. The University's Patrimony now includes three superb monumental buildings at the heart of Bucharest: the Palace of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies situated on 6 Romana Square, the "Nanu-Muscel House" situated on 7 Romana Square and the "Sabba Stefanescu House" Building situated on 8 Romana Square. Photo gallery...
  1. Working visit to Japan
    On November 28 - December 4, 2022, PhD prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice Rector for International Relations is on an Erasmus+ mission in Japan, at the Globis University in Tokyo. On this occasion, he participates in academic activities, and other activities related to the digitization process in Japanese universities and to international accreditations in the field of business. The program includes working discussions with H.E. Mr. Ovidiu Dranga, the Romanian ambassador to Japan.
  2. National Forum of Economists in Romania
    On November 23, 2022, starting 10.00h, ASE's Aula Magna hosts the National Forum of Economists in Romania. This year's topic is entitled "Skills for future economists". The event is organized by ASE, the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER), and Alumni ASE as part of the research project entitled "ASE's Students fit for the challenges of the labor market" (StudFit4LabourMarket!) on the occasion of the Economists' Day and the Economics Scholars' Day.
  3. Book launch in ASE
    On November 28, 2022, starting 17.00h, the "Virgil Madgearu" Room from ASE's Palace hosts the launch of the book entitled "Cum l-a impuscat Iorga pe Iorga" [How Iorga shot Iorga], author: Toma Roman Jr., Director of ASE's Museum. The event is dedicated to the commemoration of two leading interwar Romanian intellectuals - Nicolae Iorga (1871-1940) and Virgil Madgearu (1887-1940).
  4. International Knowledge Fair in ASE
    During November 21-25, 2022, ASE's International Relations Office organizes the 7th International Knowledge Fair. The agenda includes debates, conferences and workshops related to the enhancement of the University's international cooperation. Program...
  5. Graduation ceremony - Postgraduate training program
    On November 22, 2022, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Graduation ceremony for the first class of alumni of the Postgraduate training program entitled "Public Administration for Sustainable Development" jointly organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the Sustainable Development Department of the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania. The event was opened by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and benefited from the participation of PhD Prof. Elvira Nica, Dean of ASE's Faculty of Public Administration and Management, alumni and academic staff representatives, guests from the Government of Romania. Photo gallery...
  6. Meeting with representatives of the business and social environment
    On November 15, 2022, PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, ASE's Vice-rector for Liaison with the social and business environment and cooperation with students, participated in a working meeting with entrepreneurs and with representatives of the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), the Financial Supervision Authority (ASF), the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) and the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). Discussions aimed to contribute to the development of society through educational programs and internships, jointly carried out by the academic and entrepreneurial environment. Photo gallery...
  7. ASE's Delegation to Rome
    On November 11-17, 2022, a Delegation from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies led by the Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, and comprising PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for international relations, and PhD Associate prof. Tanase Stamule, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages, is paying a working visit Sapienza University of Rome, the Luiss Business School and the Higher School of Administration. On November 11, ASE's Delegation was received by Her Excellency Ms. Gabriela Dancau, Romania's Ambassador to Italy. Photo gallery...
  8. Educational Caravan - 2023 Admission to ASE!
    In November and December 2022, ASE's Marketing and Communications Office organizes the 12th edition of ASE's Educational Caravan - 2023 Admission to ASE! The University representatives, including academics and students are to visit over 65 colleges and high schools in the country in: Alexandria, Braila, Buzau, Calarasi, Constanta, Craiova, Focsani, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Slatina, Slobozia, Targoviste, Tecuci. During the meetings with high school students and their teachers, ASE's representatives provide details and informative materials about the Bachelor's Educational offer of ASE's 12 faculties and Admission procedures for 2023. Photo gallery...
  9. New series of Basic First-Aid Classes
    On November 12, 2022, ASE hosted a new series of Basic First-Aid Classes organized for ASE's entire academic community - academics, students, auxiliary and administrative staff. The classes were jointly organized by ASE and the Foundation for SMURD, the University's strategic partner in the project entitled "Academy of Hope - Volunteering out of Love for Life". Photo gallery...
  10. Obituary - PhD Prof. Alexandru Puiu, ASE's Rector between 1985 - 1990
    ASE's academic community announces with great sadness the passing of PhD Prof. Alexandru Puiu (1933-2022), ASE's Rector between 1985 - 1990. Prof. Puiu was a remarkable scientific and managerial personality, fully dedicated to the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, whom he graduates as a valedictorian in 1957, where he taught starting 1969 and to whose management he contributed as: Head of the Department of International Business and Economics, Dean of the former Faculty of Commerce (today's business and Tourism), Vice-rector and Rector. For his outstanding work, he was awarded numerous national and international award. May he rest in peace!
  11. ASE received the Academic Partnership Award
    On November 10, 2022, during the Gala occasioned by the 20th Anniversary of the Romanian Institute of Financial Studies (ISF), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies was bestowed the Academic Partnership Award. The celebratory event benefited from the participation of PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, Rector, PhD Associate prof. Ionela Costica, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, and PhD Assistant prof. Radu Petrariu, Advisor to the Rector. Photo gallery...
  12. 8th edition of the ISF International Conference
    On November 10, 2022, PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, Vice-rector for Liaison with the social and business environment and cooperation with students, participated as a keynote speaker in the 8th International Conference organized by the Romanian Institute of Financial Studies (ISF), entitled "20 Years of Financial Training and Certification in Romania". The speech delivered by PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv focused on the cooperation between the academic and the business environment. Photo gallery...
  13. Documentation visit to ASE
    On November 7-12, ASE receives the documentation visit of a Delegation from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) from Chisinau, a strategic partner of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The Delegation is led by Academician PhD Hab. Prof. Grigore Belostecinic, former Rector of ASEM, and comprises staff from ASEM's Department of communication, career guidance and marketing. Photo gallery...
  14. World Bank Group - 30 years of activity in Romania
    On November 7, 2022, PhD Prof. Razvan Catalin Dobrea, Vice-rector for Economic and Financial Management represented the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in the event dedicated to the celebration of 30 years of activity of World Bank Group in Romania, hosted by the Romanian Athenaeum. Photo gallery...
  15. Conferral of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to ASE's Rector
    On Thursday, November 3, 2022, the Senate of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu conferred the University's highest honorary title - Doctor Honoris Causa - to PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector. The ceremony was attended by a numerous delegation from ASE, members of the Board of Trustees, the management of ASE's University's Senate, academics and students, as well as by Rectors from other Romanian universities and other guests. Congratulations! Photo gallery...
  16. "100 Business Ideas for Romania"
    On November 2, 2022, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the launch event for the project entitled "100 Business Ideas for Romania", implemented by the two partners - the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Penny Romania. ASE and PENNY jointly analyze 100 developmental opportunities for local businesses in industries such as: agriculture, packaging, cosmetics, to find solutions with a view to offering 100% Romanian products to Romanian consumers. The launch event benefited from the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - Petre Daea, the Minister of European Investments and Projects - Ioan Marcel Bolos, the Minister of Economy - Florin Spataru, representatives of the business environment and other guests. Photo gallery...
  17. Reunion of the Universitaria Consortium
    On November 3-5, 2022, the Universitaria Consortium convenes at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, organizing host. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies is represented at the Convention by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Dumitru Miron, President of ASE's University's Senate and members of the Board of Trustees. The main topic of the Convention is the current state of affairs in Romanian higher education.
  1. ASE's Delegation's visit to University of Passau
    On October 31 - November 1, 2022, ASE's Delegation comprising PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, and PhD Associate prof. Vlad Rosca, paid a working visit to University of Passau, Germany, where they met with members of the management team of the host university, Dana Cristina Hansen, Vice-rector for International Affairs, and Florence Ertel, HUB Europe Director. Talks focused on the sustainable development of higher education, as well as on the affiliation to the European Universities Consortium. Photo gallery...
  2. ASE at the Vietnam Education Fair
    On October 28 - November 3, 2022, ASE's Delegation comprising PhD Prof. Gabriela Tigu, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Tourism, and PhD Associate prof. Ionela Costica, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, participate in the Vietnam Education Fair, as part of ASE's internationalization project. Photo gallery...
  3. ASE in THE World University Rankings 2023 by Subject
    For the fifth consecutive year, ASE is ranked on top positions in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023 by Subject - in the fields of Social Sciences and Business & Economics. ASE is ranked 601-800th overall in Social Sciences and 801+th in Business & Economics, according to THE WUR 2023 by Subject, published on October 25, 2022. Details...
  4. Visit to ASE of Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President & Chief Officer EMEA of AACSB International
    On October 26, 2022, ASE's management team represented by ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, and ASE's Vice-rector for International Relations, PhD Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu, received the visit of Mr. Timothy S. Mescon, Ph.D., Executive Vice-President & Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International). The event hosted by ASE's Aula Magna was an opportunity for fruitful discussion on the process of the University's international accreditation. Photo gallery...
  5. Inauguration of the Robert Schumann Room - Accenture Student Lab
    On October 25, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Accenture inaugurated the Robert Schumann Room - Accenture Student Lab, a lecture room endowed with state-of-the art technology, following a 200,000-dollar investment. The event benefited from the participation of PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Manager Accenture Romania, representatives from ASE and Accenture. Photo gallery...
  6. Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa
    Following the proposal of the Faculty of Business and Tourism, the Senate of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organizes the Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Lieutenant General Dr. Eng. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy, the first and only Romanian astronaut. The event is hosted by ASE's Aula Magna on October 25, 2022, starting 13.00h. Event poster...
  7. Free-of-charge optional courses in Microeconomics and Mathematics
    ASE's Board of Trustees continues to offer free of charge optional courses in Microeconomics and Mathematics, as part of its student-centered academic policy. This semester, the weekly courses are held in Romanian between November 4, 2022 and January 21, 2023 on the university's educational platform
  8. ASE - Ranked 1st in Romania in Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2023!
    In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023, for the fourth consecutive time, ASE is ranked 1st in Romania, out of the 20 Romanian universities present in the classification, and 501-600 overall for the second consecutive time, being the only Romanian university ranked among the top 600 world universities. Moreover, ASE is ranked 48th at world level as regards citations. This edition of the Times Higher Education World University Rankings was released in New York on Cotober 12, during the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings Summit, organized in partnership with New York University (NYU). ASE was represented by PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations. ASE's outstanding positioning is the result of the remarkable efforts undertaken by all the members of the academic community! Congratulations! Times Higher Education is one of the leading international university classifications, alongside with Top Shanghai and QS University Rankings. Details... Press release...
  9. Working visit at Pace University, New York
    On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, ASE's Vice-rector for International Relations, had a working meeting at Pace University, New York, with Prof. John Meltiades, Director for Global Business at Lubin Business School. On this occasion, it was convened to start cooperation in research and continuous training in the field of Business. The Pace University was founded in 1906 and has over 30000 students. Photo gallery...
  10. 22nd International Scientific Conference "Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences"
    ASE participated in the 22nd International Scientific Conference "Globalization and Its Socio-Economic Consequences", Slovak Republic, Rajecke-Teplice, on October 12-13, 2022. Keynote speaker in the plenary session: PhD Professor DHC Elvira NICA, Dean of ASE's Faculty of Administration and Public Management. Photo gallery...
  11. ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter - July-September 2022
    The July-September 2022 issue of ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter can be read here...
  12. ASE represented at the Times Higher Education World Academic Summit
    On October 10-12, 2022, PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, ASE's Vice-rector for International Relations, represents ASE in the Times Higher Education World Academic Summit on "Trajectories in higher education: Meeting rising expectations". On this event, the Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2023 is to be launched. Photo gallery...
  13. CSU ASE - Silver medal for the Women's Chess Team at the European Chess Club Cup!
    For the first time in history, a Romanian team was the main favorite in the toughest chess club competition in the world! CSU ASE Superbet represented Romania in the European Chess Club Cup 2022, where our Women's Team won the silver medal. The Competition was held in Mayrhofen, Austria, on October 3-10, 2022, and reunited 500 chess players from the best clubs on throughout Europe. Congratulations to CSU ASE team members: Irina Bulmaga, Dinara Saduakassova, Ekaterina Atalik, Marsel Efroimski, Jovana Rapport, captain: Tiberiu Georgescu. Photo gallery...
  14. EBSCO Workshop - The Complete Solution for your Business Studies
    On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, ASE's Library, ROMDIDAC and EBSCO organize the Workshop entitled "The Complete Solution for your Business Studies". The event is hosted by the Periodicals Room No. 0116 in the Ion N Angelescu Building, starting 12.30h. Details...
  15. ASE's Delegation's visit to Artois University
    On September 28 - October 1, 2022, ASE's Delegation comprising PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, visited Artois University and participated in the celebratory events dedicated to the latter's 30th Anniversary. Photo gallery...
  1. ASE participates in the 2022 European Researchers' Night
    The Bucharest University of Economic Studies participates in the 2022 European Researchers' Night, the 17th edition of a project initiated by the European Commission. In 26 cities and towns from Romania, researchers meet with the public on Friday, September 30, starting 17.00h. ASE is represented by the following Faculties: Administration and Public Management, Agrifood and Environment Economics, Finance and Banking, Law, Management, Theoretical and Applied Economics and the Association of Students in Economics, Business and Communication. Poster...
  2. Congratulations to the winners of the public recruitment exams for academic positions in ASE!
    On September 26, 2022, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Dumitru Miron, President of the University's Senate, and members of the Bureau of the Board of Trustees reunited to congratulate the academic staff members who successfully passed the recruitment or promotion exams organized at the end of the second semester of the previous academic year to fill academic positions. Congratulations and a rewarding academic career to all our colleagues! Photo gallery...
  3. Opening Ceremonies of the 2022-2023 academic year
    On September 26, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organizes the Opening Ceremonies of the 2022-2023 academic year, during which the teaching activities are to be held on campus. May we all have a rewarding and enjoyable new academic year! Schedule of the Opening Ceremonies.
  4. ASE's Delegation's visit to ASEM, Chisinau
    In response to the invitation extended by the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM), Chisinau, on September 22-24, 2022, ASE's Management's Delegation led by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, Rector, and PhD Prof. Dumitru Miron, President of the University's Senate, participate in the International Scientific Conference on "Competitiveness and Innovation in Knowledge-based Economy" organized by ASEM, and in the ceremonies occasioned by ASEM's 31st Anniversary.
  1. Summer Schools organized by FABIZ
    • "Summer school in Entrepreneurship and German Language" - organized in Brasov during July 31 - August 12, 2022 - a program aimed at developing participants' knowledge of and proficiency in the German language and culture (A1-C1 levels);
    • "Summer school in Entrepreneurship and French Language" - organized in Brasov during August 14 - 26, 2022 - a program aimed at developing participants' knowledge of and proficiency in the French language and culture (A1-C1 levels);
    • "Challenges for 2030: Economy digitalization and the energy revolution" - organized in Constanta during August 25 - September 4, 2022 - a program aimed at all those interested in learning more about how the economies are transforming now in the context of web 3.0 and the switch to the "green economy".
  2. 16th Bucharest Summer University
    During August 14-28, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students' Union (USASE) through the Students' Senate, the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER), with the academic mentoring of ASE's Faculty of Finance and Banking (FABBV) organize the 2022 edition of the Bucharest Summer University. Together with speakers and professors from top universities and companies around the world, more than 40 participants are to spend 2 weeks in the campus of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, including one extended weekend to explore particular destinations across the country. This year's topic is Fintech: Challenges for Financial Services. At the end of the two weeks period of courses, seminars, workshops and debates and after passing a final exam, the participants will receive 5 ECTS. For details, please access the following webpage:
  1. ASE ranked in the WURI RANKING 2022
    In the World`s Universities with Real Impact - WURI RANKING 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is ranked as follows:
      • 29th among the World Universities with Real Impact in Entrepreneurial Spirit. Details...
      • 42nd among the World Universities with Real Impact in Fourth Industrial Revolution. Details...
      • 51-100th among the World Universities with Real Impact in Industrial Application. Details...
      • 51-100th among the World Universities with Real Impact in Crisis Management. Details...
      • 101-200th among the World`s Universities with Real Impact. Details...

    The WURI RANKING evaluates universities against 6 criteria, as follows: Industrial Application, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Ethical Value, Student Mobility and Openness, Crisis Management, and Fourth Industrial Revolution.

  2. ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter - April-June 2022
    The April-June 2022 issue of ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter can be read here...
  3. Admission 2022 - July intake
    To apply for the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral study programs organized by ASE in the 2022-2023 academic year, please follow the instructions on the Admission 2022 webpage.
    Admission Methodologies are available as follows:
    • For Bachelor's studies see: information in English and information in Romanian.
      • EU Citizens: July intake: July 4-8, 2022, language proficiency test: July 13, 2022, final results: July 22, 2022;
      • Non-EU Citizens: receipt of application files: April 04 - August 31, 2022
    • For Master's studies see: information in English and information in Romanian.
      • EU Citizens: July 22-26, 2022, language proficiency test: July 27, 2022, specialty test/ interview test: July 28, 2022, final results: August 3, 2022;
      • Non-EU Citizens: receipt of application files: April 04 - August 31, 2022.
    • For Doctoral studies see: information in Romanian. For proposed Doctoral research topics, see information in Romanian and English.
      • EU Citizens & Non-EU Citizens: Submission of application files: July 12-14, 2022; language proficiency test: July 18, 2022; exam: July 20-21, 2022; final results: July 29, 2022.
    For any queries, please contact the International Relations Department at
  1. International Terragov Summer School
    On June 27-July 1, 2022, ASE hosts the International Terragov Summer School on Good Governance and Institutional Resilience, which benefits from the participation of more than 50 students and academics from Iceland, Spain, Croatia, Lithuania and Romania.
    The summer school hosted by ASE is one of the two summer schools organized as part of the Erasmus+ Project "Terragov Teaching Institutional Resilience and Prompt Reaction to Crisis: Good Governance Experiences in Europe"; the other summer school is organized in Vilnius. Partner universities: University of Iceland, University Complutense of Madrid, Zagreb University, Vilnius University and the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Poster... Photo gallery...
  2. National Economic Forum - "The Romanian Economic Model in the European Union. Romania - Horizon 2040"
    On June 23, 2022, between 9.30-16.00h, ASE's Aula Magna hosts the National Economic Forum - "The Romanian Economic Model in the European Union. Romania - Horizon 2040" organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts (ASPES), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the General Association of Economists in Romania (AGER), the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER).
  3. Conferral of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to ASE's Rector
    On Friday, June 17, 2022, the University's Senate of the "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy of Sibiu conferred the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, following the proposal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. The ceremony was attended by members and guests of the host University's Senate and by a large delegation from ASE's Management team. The Conferral Ceremony was part of the events dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of military higher education in Romania. Congratulations to ASE's Rector! Photo gallery...
  4. 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS
    On June 16-17, 2022, ASE organizes the 5th edition of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS. This year's topic of ASE's academic conference is "Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling". Keynote speakers: Radu Vranceanu, ESSEC Business School, France, and Bruno Rossignol, European Investment Bank Institute, Luxembourg. For details, please access the conference website; to access the event program click here.
  5. Workshop entitled "Creating a culture of sustainability"
    On June 2-5, 2022, ASE's "I.Gh. Rosca" Training Center Complex in Predeal hosted the Workshop entitled "Creating a culture of sustainability - the prerequisite for adopting competitive and healthy economic practices from the perspective of the environment and social responsibility", part of the research project entitled "Increasing the institutional capacity for training students' practical skills in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection by creating an educational hub" - project director: PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, Vice-rector.
    The opening address was delivered by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and PhD Prof. Lucian Puiu Georgescu, Rector of the "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, who spoke about the role of universities as trigger of change in society by means of molding and consolidating eco-social competences. Photo gallery...
  6. ASE's Publishing House participates in the Bookfest International Book Fair
    On June 1 - 5, 2022, ASE's Publishing House participates in the Bookfest International Book Fair, hosted by the Romexpo Exhibition Center. Readers are invited to the following book launch events:
    • June 1, starting 13.00h - the launch of the book entitled 30 de ani de la sfarsitul Razboiului Rece (Thirty Years since the End of the Cold War), coordinated by Marius-Cristian Neacsu;
    • June 1, starting 15.00h - the launch of the book entitled Managementul ariilor naturale protejate. Studiu de caz: Managementul Sistemului Lagunar Razelm-Sinoe, componenta a Rezervatiei Biosferei "Delta Dunarii" (Management of protected natural areas. Case study: Management of the Razelm-Sinoe Lagoon System, part of the "Danube Delta" Biosphere Reserve), authors: Albert Scrieciu, Bogdan Chiripuci, Veronica Toza;
    • June 3, starting 15.30h - the launch of the book entitled Panait Istrati, littérature et société / Panait Istrati, Literature and society, coordinators: Dana Radler, Aurora Bagiag, Teodora-Anca Serban-Oprescu.
  1. The 8th BASIQ International Conference on New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption - BASIQ 2022
    On May 25-27, 2022, the 8th International Conference on New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption - BASIQ 2022 takes place in Graz, Austria. The Conference is organized by the Association for Innovation and Quality in Sustainable Business - BASIQ, the Institute of Secondary Vocational Teacher Education - University College of Teacher Education Styria; the Faculty of Business and Tourism of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies; the Amfiteatru Economic Journal published by ASE's Publishing House. For details, please access the conference website:
  2. Memorandum of Understanding with Ramon Llull University, Spain
    On May 18, 2022, during ASE's Delegation's visit to Barcelona occasioned by the THE Europe Universities Summit, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, met with Dr. Josep M. Garrel Guiu, Rector of the Ramon Llull University, Spain, and Dr. Carlo Maria Calabresse, Vice-rector for International Relations. On this occasion, it was agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, to initiate an Erasmus+ agreement between our two universities, and to offer mutual support in international networks, including research networks. Photo gallery...
  3. Delegation of ASE's management team at the THE Europe Universities Summit 2022
    On May 16 - 17, 2022, ASE's Delegation comprising PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, Rector, PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, and Ms. Oana Popovici, International Relations Office, paid a working visit to Barcelona. ASE's Delegation participated in the Conference on "Alliances for the future: Bridging education across Europe", organized by the Times Higher Education (THE) international university ranking body. The Delegation's aim is to contribute to the enhancement of ASE's internationalization efforts and to the inclusion of the institution in new university alliances. On May 16, ASE's Delegation met with Mr. Michael Murphy, President of the European University Association, and Mr. Nicolas Cletz, THE Director for Europe and North America. Photo gallery...
  4. International Week in ASE 2022
    During May 9-13, 2022, ASE' Department for International Relations organizes the 7th edition of the International Week in ASE. The event program includes guest lectures, debates, workshops, book presentations, student and staff networking events organized by all of ASE's Faculties and three of its Cultural Centres, which benefit from the participation of representatives of the international educational, diplomatic and business environment. The event program is available here...
  5. Conferral Ceremony of the "King Carol I" and "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarships
    On May 2, 2022, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Conferral Ceremony for the "King Carol I" and "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarships, awarded by His Royal Highness, Prince Radu of Romania, in the presence of ASE's management team, academics and students. The "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarship was won by Paula Veringa, 3rd year Bachelor's student at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, whereas the "King Carol I" Royal Scholarship was won by Marian Iancu, 3rd year Bachelor's student at the Faculty of Finance and Insurance. Congratulations! Photo gallery...
  1. ASE - ranked 1st in Romania in the "THE Impact Ranking 2022"
    The Bucharest University of Economic Studies climbs to the 301-400th position overall, out of 1406 evaluated universities, in the 2022 Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, and 1st in Romania, a position it shares with the "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj Napoca. Press release...
  2. ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter - January-March 2022
    The January-March 2022 issue of ASE's Board of Trustees' Newsletter can be read here...
  3. Guided tours of ASE
    ASE's Palace in the center of Bucharest warmly awaits candidates! The University organizes guided (scheduled) tours for groups of senior high school pupils interested in finding out more about our Faculties, Bachelor's study programs and campus. ASE's students and academics gladly answer any queries on the 2022 Educational Offer and the Admission process. Visitors also receive informative materials on the topic. #BeAStudentAtASE! Photo gallery...
  4. ASE in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022
    ASE climbs to the 351- 400th place in the world and maintains its leading position in Romania in the field of Economics and Econometrics, according to the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022, published on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, on the very day that ASE celebrates its 109th Anniversary. According to the same ranking, ASE maintains its positioning on the 501-550th place at international level and on the 2nd place in Romania in the field of Business and Management. Press release...
  5. ASE is celebrating its 109th Anniversary - Vivat Academia!
    The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the leader of economic and public administration higher education in Romania, is celebrating its 109th Anniversary, to mark its establishment by Royal Decree on April 6, 1913. During this week, several celebratory events are organized: the Festive Gathering of the academic community, the Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to PhD Prof. Mircea Dumitru, several book launches, the Interdisciplinary Economics Contest for High School Pupils, the Annual Students' Conference, openings of art exhibitions, as well as sports demonstrations. Vivat Academia! Poster... Celebratory events program...
  6. "Admission to ASE 2022" Educational Caravan continues in Bucharest
    In April 2022, the "Admission to ASE 2022" Educational Caravan continues its tour with colleges and high schools in Bucharest, where ASE's representatives meet with senior pupils to inform them on the Bachelor's Admission procedures and Educational Offer for this summer, as well as to distribute informative materials on the topic. Moreover, ASE also organizes guided tours of its premises for senior pupils interested in finding out more about the University, its Bachelor's study programs, its campus and the opportunities it makes available for its students. #BeAStudentAtASE!
  7. "Admission to ASE 2022" Educational Caravan
    During March 2022, ASE initiated the 11th edition of its Admission Educational Caravan. ASE's team visited 47 colleges and high schools in the following towns: Braila, Calarasi, Campulung, Constanta, Oltenita, Pitesti, Slatina, Slobozia, Targoviste and Urziceni. ASE's representatives met with more than 4000 senior pupils and their teachers, to inform them on the Bachelor’s Educational Offer for 2022, and distributed informative materials for future candidates, as well as donated economics books for the school libraries, on behalf of the University. Photo gallery...
  1. AutoVortex CSU ASE - qualified for the World Robotics Championship from the USA!
    Romania's Robotics Team - AutoVortex CSU ASE won the 1st place and the Think Award at the International Robotics Championship from Jamaica and in April is to represent Romania at the World Robotics Championship from Houston, Texas, USA. The team is coordinated by PhD Teaching Assistant Ionut Valentin Panea from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, benefits from the mentoring of student Ana Andreea Lipianu from the Politehnica University of Bucharest and is comprised of Dimitrie Cudrici, Mihnea Visoiu, Theodor Vasile, Robert Pitu, Ioana Dicu, Gabi Dascalescu, Radu Ungureanu, Briana Vasile, Alexandru Hossu and Ian Andreev. Congratulations and good luck! Photo gallery...
  2. ASE's Catchball team - Winner of the Spring Cup
    On March 12-13, 2022,ASE's Catchball team ranked 1st in the Spring Cup Tournament organized by the Romanian Catchball Association, thus obtaining the Gold Medal and the Competition Trophy. Congratulations to the entire team for this outstanding victory! Photo gallery...
  3. Update on teaching and learning activities organized by ASE
    Given the cessation of the state of alert on the territory of Romania starting March 9, 2022, the teaching and learning activities organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies are to take place as follows:
    • The classes scheduled for March 09-20, 2022 are to be rescheduled in the period between the end of March and the end of the semester;
    • Starting March 21, 2022, all classes for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs are to be held ON CAMPUS (face-to-face);
    • The academic schedule is to be updated and will comprise 90-minute classes with 15-minute breaks in between.
    Please check your institutional email, the University's official webpage - and Facebook page for updates.
  4. Call for papers for the Annual Student Conference 2022
    On March 7-21, 2022, ASE's students are invited to submit paper proposals for the Annual Student Conference 2022. Registrations are made at the level of the academic Departments from all of ASE's Faculties, whereas the Conference is scheduled for April 7-8, 2022. It is worth mentioning that participation in the Annual Student Conference and awards obtained on the occasion are among the criteria for winning the highly coveted performance scholarships for outstanding results in scientific research. May all students be successful in their attempts to deepen their knowledge in their field of specialization, as well as develop their scientific research and communication competences!
    Methodology regarding the mobility of foreign students from higher education institutions of Ukraine. Details...
  6. ASE organizes a Humanitarian Hub to support Ukrainian people
    ASE organizes a Humanitarian HUB to offer assistance for certain categories of foreign nationals or stateless persons coming from Ukraine. Between March 04 - 09, 2022, from 10.00-19.00h, donations are received at Room 2 in 31 Frumoasa Str. In Bucharest, as follows: goods (folding beds, mattresses, sleeping bags, warm blankets, pillows and pillowcases, bed sheets; towels, slippers, raincoats, socks for children and women, gloves, hats, wet wipes, handkerchiefs and paper towels, liquid soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, diapers), medicine, prepaid phone cards etc. ASE also offers accommodation for Ukrainian students in its student hostels in Bucharest, and for Ukrainian families (mothers and children) in its Professional Training Center from Covasna.
  1. ASE organizes a Humanitarian Hub to support Ukrainian people
    ASE organizes a Humanitarian HUB to offer assistance for certain categories of foreign nationals or stateless persons coming from Ukraine. Between March 04 - 09, 2022, from 10.00-19.00h, donations are received at Room 2 in 31 Frumoasa Str. In Bucharest, as follows: goods (folding beds, mattresses, sleeping bags, warm blankets, pillows and pillowcases, bed sheets; towels, slippers, raincoats, socks for children and women, gloves, hats, wet wipes, handkerchiefs and paper towels, liquid soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, diapers), medicine, prepaid phone cards etc. ASE also offers accommodation for Ukrainian students in its student hostels in Bucharest, and for Ukrainian families (mothers and children) in its Professional Training Center from Covasna.
  2. Classes resume on Monday, February 21, 2022
    The second semester of the academic year begins on Monday, February 21, 2022. Classes start ONLINE for all study programs, due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Depending on the latter's evolution, the University's Board of Trustees will announce when Bachelor's and partially MBA programs return to face-to-face education. Master's, Doctoral and Postgraduate programs remain online throughout the semester.
  3. ASE in the Webometrics - Ranking Web of Universities
    The Bucharest University of Economic Studies continues its ascending trend in the Webometrics - Ranking Web of Universities. According to the January 2022 edition of the ranking made by Cybermetrics, Spain, ASE is now ranked 4th in Romania (out of 98 evaluated universities), 518 in Europe (out of 5737 institutions) and 1317 at world level (out of more than 31000 universities) - Press release...
  4. ASE's Delegation's visit to universities from Toulouse, France
    On February 2-6, 2022, ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, and ASE's Vice-rector for International Relations, PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, paid a series of working visits to several universities from Toulouse, France. Program... Photo gallery...
  5. ASE's Palace - lit in orange as part of the Cancer Awareness Campaign!
    On Friday, February 4, 2022, between 19:00h - 22:00h, we join the fight against cancer, the medical doctors who treat oncological patients, scientists involved in the development of treatment, and we express solidarity with all those affected by this disease and HOPE in the prevention, early detection and effective treatment of the disease. ASE's Palace in Piata Romana is to be lit in orange for the occasion of this year's World Cancer Day.
  1. Winter exam session
    On January 24 - February 13, 2022, the Winter exam session is scheduled for Bachelor's and Master's students. Examinations take place online. May you successfully pass all exams, dear students!
  2. 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS 2022
    By January 30, 2022, scholars and researchers are invited to submit their abstracts to the 5th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS 2022. This year's topic of the conference organized in June by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is "Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling". For conference tracks and publication opportunities, please visit the conference website.
  3. 16th International Conference on Business Excellence - ICBE 2022
    On March 24-26, 2022, the 16th International Conference on Business Excellence - ICBE 2022 is organized by the Society for Business Excellence and ASE's Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages, in partnership with the Romanian Academy, the University of Bucharest and the Sapienza University from Rome, Italy. This year's topic is "New Challenges of the Century. Digital Economy and the Green Revolution". For submission dates and publication opportunities, please visit the conference website.
  4. ASE - academic partner of the first edition of the Women in Data Science (WiDS) DATATHON
    ASE kindly invites its scholars and students to participate in the Women in Data Science (WiDS) DATATHON. The event is organized by ASE as part of the partnership with Think Tank 360, under the aegis of Stanford University, and takes place on February 5, 2022. The event topic is "Climate Change & Energy Justice" and is hosted by the Kaggle platform:
  5. Classes begin again on January 10, 2022
    Starting Monday, January 10, 2022, academic activity is resumed, as the Winter holidays end on Sunday, January 9.
  6. Scientific events 2022
    ASE organizes nearly 25 Annual Conferences, at University or Faculty level, in cooperation with its national and international partners from the academic, research and business environment. For details, please visit
  7. Admission 2022
    ASE has published the Admission Methodologies for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral studies valid for the 2022-2023 academic year.
  8. For any queries, please contact the International Relations Department at