Photo and video gallery 2024

ICESS 2024

On June 13-14, 2024, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies organized its annual academic International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS). The topic of this 7th edition was "Exploring Global Perspectives: the Future of Economics and Social Sciences".

Partnership agreement between ASE and FRR

On June 5, 2024, a Partnership agreement was signed between ASE and the Romanian Rugby Academy - FRR by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and Mr. Alin-Adrian Petrache, President of FRR. The event was attended by PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, Vice-rector for Liaison with the social and business environment and cooperation with students, PhD Prof. Marian Nastase and PhD Associate prof. Catalin Octavian Manescu, Deputy dean for the social and business environment and cooperation with students, Faculty of Agrifood and Environment Economics, as well as Mr. Florin Matei, Secretary General of FRR.

Visit to ASE

On June 4, 2024, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and PhD Prof. Marius Constantin Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International relations, received the visit of H.E. Mr. Tigran Galstyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Romania. Discussions focused on opportunities for academic development and cooperation, research projects in economics, exchange of best practices between ASE and similar universities in Armenia.

ASE Job&Internship Fair 2024

On May 15, 2024, ASE's Palace hosted the 9th Job&Internship Fair organized by ASE and the Alumni ASE Association, the Students' Union of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies - USASE, the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER) and ASE's Foundation. Students and graduates had the opportunity to meet and discuss with representatives of more than 40 companies attending the event.

International Week in ASE 2024

On May 8-10, 2024, ASE's International Relations Division organized the 9th International Week in ASE, in hybrid format. The event program included round tables, workshops, guest lectures, debates on various topics related to higher education internationalization.

DNSC-ASE Partnership

On April 25, 2024, a Delegation from the Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate (DNSC) was received by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, and members of the University's management team. On the occasion, a partnership agreement was signed by DNSC and ASE, with participants exploring inter-institutional cooperation opportunities in the field of cyber security.

ASE's presence at the Reunion of the Universitaria Consortium

On April 18-20, 2024, a Delegation from ASE participated in the Reunion of the Universitaria Consortium, hosted by the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (UAIC). ASE's Delegation was led by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, Rector, and PhD Prof. Gheorghe Hurduzeu, President of the University's Senate, and comprised vice-rectors and other members of the University's management team, as well as of the staff union. (Photo credit: UAIC)

Order of "Industrial and Commercial Merit" in the rank of Commander

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies received the Order of "Industrial and Commercial Merit" in the rank of Commander, awarded by the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, on the occasion of the Financial Education Day, as a token of appreciation for ASE's special merits and contribution to the promotion of economic and financial education, by disseminating specific knowledge and developing responsible economic behaviors.

Conferral Ceremony of the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Alain Juppe

On April 5, 2024, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies conferred the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Mr. Alain Juppe, former Prime- minister of France, in recognition for his exceptional merits in France and Europe. The Ceremony was part of the anniversary events occasioned by the celebration of 111 years since the establishment of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Conferral Ceremony for the "Virgil Madgearu" Academic Merit with Gold Medal to PhD Prof. Ioana Crenguta Leaua

On April 3, 2024, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies conferred the "Virgil Madgearu" Academic Merit with Gold Medal to PhD Prof. Ioana Crenguta Leaua, professor at ASE's Faculty of Law, a prominent personality in International Commercial Law and International Arbitration, for her contribution to enhancing the University's prestige at national and international level and the development of higher education in Romania.

Conference on "Insurance. Current and Future Policies"

On March 28, 2024, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Conference entitled "Insurance. Current and Future Policies", organized by ASE in partnership with the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts (ASPES) and the Financial Supervision Authority (ASF). The plenary session was opened by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector and benefited from the participation of government representatives and insurance experts.

ASE's New management team

ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, appointed the Vice-rectors and presented the managerial team for 2024 - 2029 mandate before the University's Senate, as follows:

  • PhD Associate prof. Ionela Costica, Vice-rector for Education
  • PhD Prof. Dorel Paraschiv, Vice-rector for Liaison with the social and business environment, cooperation with students
  • PhD Prof. Paul Pocatilu, Vice-rector for Development of the IT infrastructure and logistics
  • PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations
  • PhD Prof. Alina Dima, Vice-rector for Scientific research, development and innovation
  • PhD Prof. Nicu Marcu, Vice-rector for Economic and Financial Management
  • PhD Prof. Dan Gabriel Dumitrescu, Vice-rector for Management of human resources and European funds

Congratulations and success to the entire team!

Visit to ASE

On March 6, 2024, ASE received the visit of an official Delegation from the University of Hyogo (Japan) comprising PhD Prof. Makoto Kosaka, President, and PhD Prof. Carmen Sapunaru-Tamas, President's advisor on International relations. The Delegation was welcomed by PhD Prof. Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International relations, and discussions focused on cooperation opportunities for our two universities, especially joint projects to be undertaken under the aegis of the satellite office which the Japanese university is to open in ASE. The Delegation also met with members of ASE's Division for International relations and ASE's Centre for Japanese Studies.

Study visit from University of Hyogo

On March 4-6, 2024, ASE received the visit of a group of 20 Japanese students and 3 academic staff members from the University of Hyogo, ASE's partner. The program included activities jointly undertaken with ASE students, as part of the Global Leader Education Program (GLEP) of the Japanese university. The program of the Japanese Delegation included meetings with PhD Prof. Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International relations, with the members of ASE's Centre for Japanese Studies, academics and students from the Bachelor's program in Applied Modern Languages organized by ASE's Faculty of International Business and Economics, as well as students enrolled in the optional Japanese language course. Visitors participated in joint academic and cultural activities, to get to familiarized our university and life in Bucharest.

Conference entitled "The Role of MIKTA in a Challenging World"

On February 29, 2024, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Conference entitled "The Role of MIKTA in a Challenging World" organized by ASE's Faculty of International Business and Economics and the Embassies in Bucharest of the MIKTA group - Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia. Speakers: H.E. Mr. Meidyatama Suryodiningrat, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Bucharest, H.E. Mr. Amparo Erendira Anguiano Rodriguez, Ambassador of the United Mexican States in Bucharest, H.E. Mr. Kap-soo Rim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Bucharest, H.E. Mr. Ozgur Kivanc Altan, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkiye in Bucharest, PhD Prof. Clara Volintiru and PhD Associate prof. Roxana Voicu Dorobantu, ASE. Moderator: PhD Associate prof. Roxana Voicu Dorobantu.

Congratulations to all colleagues who passed the public recruitment exams for academic positions!

On February 19, 2024, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Gheorghe Hurduzeu, President of the University's Senate, and other members of the Board of Trustees, congratulated the colleagues who passed the public recruitment exams at the end of the first semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. Out of them, 12 became Professors, 20 - Associate professors, 16 - Assistant professors and 12 - Teaching Assistants. ASE's management team expressed their congratulations and wishes for a successful and rewarding teaching and research career in ASE.

"Becoming a leader", Fourth Edition

On February 12-16, 2024, ASE and its partners from the business environment organized the fourth edition of the program entitled "Becoming a Leader". This innovative program aims at developing young professionals' leadership skills and for successful careers and is addressed to ASE?s Bachelor?s, Master?s and Doctoral students.

Graduation Ceremony in ASE's Aula Magna

On February 15, 2024, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Graduation Ceremony for students completing the Postgraduate professional training program for Customs experts, undertaken by ASE in partnership with the Romanian Customs Authority. The ceremony was attended by program alumni, PhD Prof. Dorel Mihai Paraschiv - Vice-rector for Liaison with the social and business environment and cooperation with students and program director, as well as by Mr. Alexandru Ioan Dudu, Vice-president of the Romanian Customs Authority.

Admission to ASE 2024 Campaign

In February 2024, ASE continued its Admission 2024 Campaign by participating in Educational Fairs, visiting colleges and high schools and welcoming groups of pupils to its campus. Interested future candidates are provided with details on the Educational Offer for Bachelor's studies, the admission procedure, student and professional opportunities.

Newly elected President of ASE's University's Senate

On January 31, 2024, the Aula Magna hosted the first meeting of the new University's Senate of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. During the meeting, PhD Prof. Gheorghe Hurduzeu was elected as the President of the University?s Senate for the 2024-2029 mandate.

Visit to ASE

On January 22, 2024, PhD Prof Nicolae Istudor, ASE's Rector, received the visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Romania, His Excellency Mr. Ozgur Kivanc Altan. During the meeting also attended by PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Vice-rector for International Relations, discussions focused on enlargement of cooperation in the areas of exchange of students and academic and research staff between ASE and universities from Turkey.

Drill organized by the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in ASE

On January 22, 2024, ASE campus on Mihail Moxa Street hosted a rapid intervention training and drill organized by representatives of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU) for decision-making staff in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies.

Conferral Ceremony of the Honorary Title of Doctor Honoris Causa

On January 17, 2024, ASE's Aula Magna hosted the Conferral Ceremony for the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to PhD Professor Tudorel Toader, Rector of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi awarded by ASE's University's Senate following the proposal of the Faculty of Law.

Meeting with the business environment in ASE

On January 11, 2024, ASE hosted a meeting between the University's management team and representatives of the business environment, to discuss about the procedure for the initiation of an MBA program in the field of Economics of Education, for directors of educational units, civil servants and employees of institutions directly subordinated or related to the Ministry of Education.

Completion of postgraduate course

On January 11, 2024, ASE's "Virgil Madgearu" Room hosted the meeting occasioned by the successful completion of the postgraduate course on "Specialization in Financial Investigations and Economic Crime". Trainees were congratulated for the results obtained by ASE's Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, and by other members of the university's management team.

Guided tour of ASE

On January 8, 2024, the University resumed the guided tours offered to prospective candidates. ASE received the first visit this year - 90 students from the "George Cosbuc" Bilingual National College from Bucharest, accompanied by teaching staff. The students and teachers were welcomed in the Aula Magna, where they received information about the Educational offer of ASE's faculties, details about the admission process, about educational and professional opportunities, as well as about study mobility abroad. The students visited the university campus, amphitheaters, the library, sports halls, and were involved in Q&A sessions with representatives of the Marketing and Communications Office.