ase 110

Bucharest University of Economic Studies
110 Years of Academic Excellence

Rectorul ASE

The Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies, the first name of the country's first economic university, was established on April 6, 1913 by the Royal Decree signed by King Carol I. "This Academy must become a center where all economic activity must concentrate and depend on" said the first Rector of the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies on November 1, 1913. We are proud of our forefathers, such as our founder, Nicolae D. Xenopol, Prime Minister Titu Maiorescu, generations after generations of illustrious professors and rectors Stanislas Cihoski, Ion Raducanu, Gheorghe Tasca, Virgil Madgearu, Nicolae Iorga, Victor Slavescu, Nicolae N. Constantinescu, Emilian Dobrescu, Iulian Vacarel, Vladimir Trebici, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Gheorghe Dolgu, and many others.