Photo and video gallery 2022

Educational Caravan - 2023 Admission to ASE!

In November and December 2022, ASE`s Marketing and Communications Office organized the 12th edition of ASE`s Educational Caravan - 2023 Admission to ASE! The University representatives, including academics and students visited over 65 colleges and high schools throughout the country in: Alexandria, Braila, Buzau, Calarasi, Constanta, Craiova, Focsani, Pitesti, Ploiesti, Slatina, Slobozia, Targoviste, Tecuci. During the meetings with high school students and their teachers, ASE`s representatives provided details and informative materials about the Bachelor`s Educational offer of ASE`s 12 faculties and Admission procedures for 2023.

ASE received the "Educatia" Award at the Gaudeamus International Book Fair

On December 7-11, 2022, the 29th edition of the Gaudeamus International Book Fair was organized by Radio Romania in Bucharest. ASE`s Publishing House organized a series of book launch events and it was conferred the "Educatia" Award for the professionalism and permanent involvement in the organization of cultural events. Congratulations to ASE`s Publishing House, authors, organizers and participants in this successful event! Vivat Academia!

ASE`s Gala of Excellence, 6th edition

On December 8, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the 6th edition of ASE`s Gala of Excellence. On this occasion, awards were granted for the scientific and professional achievements of the members of the academic community (academic and administrative staff members and students).

ASE`s management team`s biannual meeting with students

On December 8, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted ASE`s management team`s biannual meeting with students. Participants discussed about issues arising in the academic life of students, with a view to finding adequate solutions for improvement.

ROMGAZ Amphitheater at ASE, investment for excellence in education

On December 7, 2022, the ROMGAZ Amphitheater in ASE was inaugurated - Amphitheater 2103 from the "Virgil Madgearu" Building - renovated and modernized on the basis of the 300000 RON investment made by ROMGAZ, following the initiative of the Association of Students in Economics, Business and Communication (ASEAC) - ASE`s Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics. The newly inaugurated Amphitheater is to host teaching activities, lectures, debates, in a friendly environment, with state-of-the-art architecture, equipment.

Internship Fair

On December 6, 2022, ASE hosted the Internship Fair organized by its Faculty of Accounting and Management Information Systems in cooperation with partners from the business environment.

National Forum of Students in Economics

On November 23, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the National Forum of Students in Economics. This year`s topic was entitled "Skills for future economists". The event was organized by ASE, the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER), and Alumni ASE as part of the research project entitled "ASE`s Students fit for the challenges of the labor market" (StudFit4LabourMarket!) on the occasion of the Economists` Day and the Economics Scholars` Day.

Graduation ceremony - Postgraduate training program for Experts in sustainable development

On November 22, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the Graduation ceremony for the first class of alumni of the Postgraduate training program entitled "Public Administration for Sustainable Development" jointly organized by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and the Sustainable Development Department of the General Secretariat of the Government of Romania.

Documentation visit to ASE

On November 7-12, ASE received the documentation visit of a Delegation from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (ASEM) from Chisinau, a strategic partner of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The Delegation was led by Academician PhD Hab. Prof. Grigore Belostecinic, former Rector of ASEM, and comprised staff from ASEM's Department of communication, career guidance and marketing.

Conferral of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to ASE`s Rector

On Thursday, November 3, 2022, the Senate of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu conferred the University`s highest honorary title - Doctor Honoris Causa - to PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE`s Rector. The ceremony was attended by a numerous delegation from ASE, members of the Board of Trustees, the management of ASE`s University`s Senate, academics and students, as well as by Rectors from other Romanian universities and other guests. Congratulations!

"100 Business Ideas for Romania"

On November 2, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the launch event for the project entitled "100 Business Ideas for Romania", implemented by the two partners - the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Penny Romania. ASE and PENNY jointly analyze 100 developmental opportunities for local businesses in industries such as: agriculture, packaging, cosmetics, to find solutions with a view to offering 100% Romanian products to Romanian consumers. The launch event benefited from the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development - Petre Daea, the Minister of European Investments and Projects - Ioan Marcel Bolos, the Minister of Economy - Florin Spataru, representatives of the business environment and other guests.

Inauguration of the Robert Schumann Room - Accenture Student Lab

On October 25, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Accenture inaugurated the Robert Schumann Room - Accenture Student Lab, a lecture room endowed with state-of-the art technology, following a 200,000-dollar investment. The event benefited from the participation of PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE`s Rector, and Mr. Gianrodolfo Tonielli, Country Manager Accenture Romania, representatives from ASE and Accenture.

Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa

Following the proposal of the Faculty of Business and Tourism, the Senate of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organized the Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Lieutenant General Dr. Eng. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy, the first and only Romanian astronaut. The event was hosted by ASE`s Aula Magna on October 25, 2022.

Opening ceremonies for the 2022-2023 academic year

On September 26, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies organized the Opening ceremonies for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Cooperation Protocol between ASE and the Romanian National Anti-drug Agency

On September 15, 2022, ASE hosted a working meeting between the Director of the Romanian National Anti-drug Agency (ANA), Chief police commissioner Georgel-Cristian Ivan, and ASE?s Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae ISTUDOR, during which the two parties signed a Cooperation Protocol for joint actions until the year 2026.

Admission to ASE 2022

The Admission to ASE 2022 for Bachelor`s, Master`s and Doctoral Studies - July intake.

Book Launch event

On June 30, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the launch of the book entitled Jurnal de rector la centenar ASE [A Rector`s Journal on ASE`s Centennial Anniversary], authored by PhD Prof. Pavel Nastase, ASE`s Rector between 2012-2016, President of the University`s Senate between 2016- 2020, Minister of National Education in 2017.

National Economic Forum - "The Romanian Economic Model in the European Union. Romania - Horizon 2040"

On June 23, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the National Economic Forum - "The Romanian Economic Model in the European Union. Romania - Horizon 2040" organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts (ASPES), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), the General Association of Economists in Romania (AGER), the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania (AFER).

Conferral of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to ASE`s Rector

On Friday, June 17, 2022, the University`s Senate of the "Nicolae Balcescu" Land Forces Academy of Sibiu conferred the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE`s Rector, following the proposal of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. The ceremony was attended by members and guests of the host University`s Senate and by a large delegation from ASE`s Management team. The Conferral Ceremony was part of the events dedicated to the 175th Anniversary of military higher education in Romania. Congratulations to ASE`s Rector!

Conferral of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to PhD Prof. Fabrizio D`Ascenzo

On June 16, 2022, following the proposal of the Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages, ASE`s University`s Senate conferred the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa (DHC) to PhD Prof. Fabrizio D`Ascenzo from Sapienza University of Rome.

International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS 2022

On June 16-17, 2022, ASE organized the 5th edition of the International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences - ICESS. This year`s topic of ASE`s academic conference was "Fostering recovery through metaverse business modelling". Keynote speakers: Radu Vranceanu, ESSEC Business School, France, and Bruno Rossignol, European Investment Bank Institute, Luxembourg.


On June 9, 2022, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, and the Romanian Association of Banks organized the first edition of the Financial Education Forum, hosted by ASE`s Aula Magna. The event benefits from the high patronage of the President of Romania and aims at being a key factor in promoting financial education programs and a catalyst for initiatives in the field.

ASE`s Management team`s biannual meeting with students

On June 8, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the ASE`s Management team`s biannual meeting with students. Discussions focused on issues arising in the academic life of students, and on identifying best practices and solutions for outstanding issues.

The State of the Nation: The Level of Digital Literacy in Romania

On May 25, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies hosted the launch event of the first Report on Digital Literacy in Romania elaborated by Brio, in partnership with UiPath Foundation and the Romanian Commercial Bank - BCR.

Conference organized by ASE`s Foreign Trade Excellence Centre

On May 24, 2022, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies hosted the Conference organized by its Foreign Trade Excellence Centre, the National Institute of Statistics and the Romanian Academy.

Conferral Ceremony of the "King Carol I" and "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarships

On May 2, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the Conferral Ceremony for the "King Carol I" and "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarships, awarded by His Royal Highness, Prince Radu of Romania, in the presence of ASE`s management team, academics and students. The "Queen Elisabeth" Royal Scholarship was won by Paula Veringa, 3rd year Bachelor`s student at the Faculty of Business and Tourism, whereas the "King Carol I" Royal Scholarship was won by Marian Iancu, 3rd year Bachelor`s student at the Faculty of Finance and Insurance. Congratulations!

ASE 109 - Annual Students` Conference

The Annual Students` Conference took place on campus on April 7-8, 2022. There were 728 registered students, who submitted 565 papers, out of which 511 students and 404 papers in the Bachelor`s panels and 217 students and 161 papers in the Master?s panels. There were 21 Bachelor`s panels and 7 Master`s panels, organized by all of ASE`s Faculties. Each panel benefited from one 1st prize, one 2nd prize, one 3rd prize and four mentions. The prizes amounted to 360 lei - for the 1st prize, 285 lei for the 2nd prize, 210 lei for the 3rd prize and 180 lei for each mention. The Annual Students` Conference is the most important scientific event dedicated to ASE`s students.

ASE 109 - OPENING CEREMONY for the 8th Interdisciplinary Economics Contest "TODAY`S PUPILS, TOMORROW`S PROFESSIONALS"

On April 7, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the Opening Ceremony for the 8th Interdisciplinary Economics Contest "Today`s Pupils, Tomorrow`s Professionals"

ASE 109 - Book launch events

On April 7, 2022, the following Book launch events took place:

  • Stakeholder Management and Social Responsibility. Concepts, Approaches and Tools in the Covid Context, Routledge, authors: Ovidiu Nicolescu and Ciprian Nicolescu.
  • Note si insemnari zilnice, vol. IV, (1 ianuarie 1945-6 mai 1950) [Daily notes and records, vol. 4 (January 1, 1945 - May 6, 1950)], author: Victor Slavescu, edited by Georgeta Filitti, ASE`s Publishing House, Bucharest, 2021.

ASE 109 - Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa

On April 7, 2022, ASE`s Aula Magna hosted the Conferral Ceremony of the Title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Academician PhD Professor Mircea DUMITRU, President of the Philosophical, Theological, Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Section of the Romanian Academy, Director of the "Constantin Radulescu-Motru" Institute of Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy, Member of the Academia Europaea, PhD Professor at the University of Bucharest.

ASE 109 - Art exhibition opening for the mural painting entitled THE HISTORY OF ROMANIAN TRADE (restored), by Cecilia Cutescu Storck

On April 6, 2022, an Art exhibition opening was held for the mural painting entitled THE HISTORY OF ROMANIAN TRADE (restored), by Cecilia Cutescu Storck, a painting in the Aula Magna from ASE`s Palace. The restauration of the painting was made possible with the support of One United Properties, and was coordinated by renowned specialist, PhD Prof. Maria Dumbravician, from the Bucharest National University of Arts, Department of Conservation and Restoration.

ASE 109 - Conferral of the Honorary Title of Emeritus Professor

On April 6, 2022, several academics from ASE received the Honorary Title of Emeritus Professor.

ASE 109 - Conferral of the "Virgil Madgearu Academic Merit"

On April 6, 2022, PhD Prof. Coralia Angelescu and PhD Prof. Dinu Vasile received the "Virgil Madgearu Academic Merit".

ASE 109 - FESTIVE GATHERING dedicated to ASE`s 109th Anniversary

On April 6, 2022, the Aula Magna hosted the FESTIVE GATHERING dedicated to ASE`s 109th Anniversary. The event was opened by PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, ASE`s Rector, PhD Prof. Dumitru Miron, President of the University`s Senate, PhD Prof. Pavel Nastase, former Rector of ASE, and student Andra Mecu, President of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies Students` Union - USASE. Vivat Academia!

ASE 109 - Book launch event

On April 5, 2022, in the presence of ASE`s Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, a Book launch event was organized for the volume entitled "Un economist in misiune diplomatica la Berlin (1930 - 1932) - memorii si insemnari (1924 - 1949)" [An Economist on Diplomatic Mission in Berlin (1930-1932) - Memoirs and Notes (1924- 1949)], author: Gheorghe TASCA, former Rector of ASE.

ASE 109 - Open Days events

On April 5-7, 2022, ASE organized a series of Open Days Events, when we were visited by more than 1500 pupils from colleges and high schools in Bucharest and throughout the country.


In the presence of ASE`s Rector and fans, ASE`s Academic sports club - CSU ASE presented its 2022 Chess, Beach Volley and Catch ball national champions. Moreover, CSU ASE`s Bodybuilding Division was officially launched.

ASE 109 - OPENING CEREMONY for the 8th Interdisciplinary Economics Contest

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in partnership with the "A.D. Xenopol" Economic College and the "Tudor Vianu" National College of Computer Science from Bucharest organized the 8th Interdisciplinary Contest entitled "Today`s pupils, tomorrow`s professionals" on April 4-8, 2022.


Wreath laying ceremony at the tombs of great personalities in ASE`s history: Nicolae Xenopol, Nicolae Iorga, Virgil Madgearu, Stanislas Cihoschi, Rectors Gheorghe Dolgu, Paul Bran, Constantin Barbulescu.

International Conference on Business Excellence - ICBE 2022

On March 24-26, 2022, the 16th International Conference on Business Excellence - ICBE 2022 was organized by the Society for Business Excellence and ASE`s Faculty of Business Administration in Foreign Languages, in partnership with the Romanian Academy, the University of Bucharest and the Sapienza University from Rome, Italy.

"Admission to ASE 2022" Educational Caravan

During March 2022, ASE organized the 11th edition of its Admission Educational Caravan. ASE`s team visited 90 colleges and high schools throughout the country, and met with teachers and senior pupils to inform them on the Educational Offer of all of ASE`s Faculties that organize Admission to Bachelor`s programs in 2022.

Welcome to on-campus activities!

On Monday, March 21, 2022 all classes for Bachelor`s, Master`s and Doctoral programs were resumed on campus (face-to-face).

Congratulations to all colleagues who passed the public recruitment exams for academic positions!

On February 21, 2022, the members of ASE`s Board of Trustees met with the 43 academic staff members who passed the public recruitment exams for academic positions held at the end of the first semester. Out of them, 10 became Professors, 17 - Associate professors, 9 - Assistant professors and 7 - Teaching Assistants. ASE`s Rector and Board of Trustees expressed their warm congratulations and wishes for a successful and rewarding career.

ASE`s Palace - lit in orange as part of the Cancer Awareness Campaign!

On February 4, 2022, ASE`s Palace in Piata Romana was lit in orange for the occasion of this year`s World Cancer Day! Thus, we joined the fight against cancer, the medical doctors who treat oncological patients, scientists involved in the development of efficient treatment so that all patients may win their battle with this terrible disease.

ASE`s Delegation`s visit to universities from Toulouse, France

On February 2-6, 2022, ASE`s Rector, PhD Prof. Nicolae Istudor, and ASE`s Vice-rector for International Relations, PhD Prof. Constantin Marius Profiroiu, paid a series of working visits to several universities from Toulouse, France.