AACSB accreditation process: Acceptance of the self-evaluation report
ASE is happy to have been announced by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) that the University has successfully completed another important step within the AACSB accreditation process: the acceptance of the self-evaluation report (iSER), by the Initial Accreditation Committee, in December 2024. Details...
Free of charge classes of Microeconomics and Mathematics
During the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, ASE's Management team offers its students the opportunity to participate in free of charge extracurricular courses in Microeconomics and Mathematics. The courses are scheduled between October 25 - January 23 on the blended learning platform.
Book Launch event
On January 13-17, 2025, ASE's Publishing House participates in the Book Fair organized by the "Gheorghe Lazar" National College, on the occasion of the latter's 165th Anniversary. On January 16, starting 12.00h, the College's Amphitheater hosts the book launch event for the volume entitled "Educatia financiara de la stiinta la viata de zi cu zi" [Financial Education from Science to Everyday Life], coordinated by PhD Prof. Andreea Stoian. The event benefits from the presence of PhD Prof. Georgiana Camelia Georgescu, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, PhD Prof. Ion Stancu and PhD Prof. Andreea Stoian.
Scientific events 2025
Throughout 2025, ASE organizes more than 35 scientific events in the fields which it organizes education and research programs in. For details, please access